La competenza come finalità condivisa tra differenti agenzie

La scuola deve far fronte alle precedenti problematiche. Computing Research Association, 2010, individua come strumenti di successo per lo studente, il lavoratore e il cittadino di domani:
Moving from thinking about expertise as something an expert “knows” and can articulate to a complex mix of tacit (i.e., nonconscious) and conscious competencies.

Movingfrom knowledge and skills localized in a student’s mind to distributed understandings and performances.

Moving from a focus on memorizing and applying facts, simple concepts, and straightforward procedures to “higher level” conceptual and analytical capabilities deployed adaptively in diverse contexts.

Recognizing how, beyond the conceptual and procedural aspects of learner competencies that are often described as “cognitive,” complementary aspects of learner competencies, so-called “non-cognitive factors” (Fishman & Dede, 2016, 1273).
Le linee guida individuate da NETP (U.S. Deparment of Education, 2010) e “key competencies” for education in a “flat world” proposte dalla European Union si muovono nella stessa prospettiva.


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